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with some random questions and comments
Concerning The Bible
Concerning God
God in General
God the Father
A. Does He exist eternally as the first person of the Trinity?
B. Did He create the universe? Did He do in six literal days?
C. Is He the author of the Bible?
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
B. Is the Holy Spirit a person?
C. What did the Holy Spirit do?
- Concerning mankind
- Concerning Sin
A. What's sin?
- Concerning God's Plan for Salvation from the Penalty for Sin
A. Has the plan ever changed? What's it Do?
C. Where is its basis to found?
G. When can we receive salvation?
H. What will indicate we have it?
- Concerning Angels
C. Who's the highest angel & D. What's the work of The Devil and the fallen angels?
- Concerning the Church
- Concerning End Times
C. What's the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
D. What's the Tribulation Period?
E. What's the Millennial Kingdom?
F. When Will Satan Be Defeated?
G. What's the Great White Throne Judgment?
H. When Will God Create a New Heaven and a New Earth?
Home Bible Outlines Sermons Quick Tour Parables Miracles Prophecies Doctrine Gospel Songs